Este reclamo tiene más de seis meses de antigüedad
  • La Florida, Chile
  • 25, Abril 2015
  • Número: 324212

Derco Automotriz

Caja cambios cx mala

SEÑORES derco automotriz


Derco, seat vespucio - Mazda cx 5 sale with fault gear boxThis reclamation has more than six months of antiquityTuesday 30, September 2014, Number of Reclamation: 2987761. - With date 28/08/2013 I bought in Derco Plaza Vespucio a SUV Mazda, Modelo CX-5 R 2,0, 2 WD 6MT I-STOP, new, without use2. - With date 03/09/2013, after to have talked DERCO and to warn to them of the problem that presented/displayed the GEAR BOX of the vehicle, iron sounds strong and scraped (blows) in the gears, the marches, 1ra, 3ra cannot be put. and 4ta. the light truck of DERCO CENTER PLAZA TOBALABA, occasion took in which was the problem (the light truck counted on 150 kms).3. - Soon, with date 04/09/2013, the Female leader of Sales of Derco Plaza Vespucio requested that she took the light truck to him to Plaza Vespucio to send it to DERCO CENTER SEAT the WEST to review it (the light truck to me already counted on 164 kms). In this event I am called the Head of Factory of Seat the West and it indicated to me that they reviewed it and that it did not give the problem them and that the light trucks were that hard…. I was not as and I warned that they followed the problems.4. - Later with date 03/10/2013 I took again the light truck to DERCO CENTER PLAZA TOBALABA, because the problem had been pronounced more severely. Lamentably was not the Head of Factory. They reviewed it and the problem did not appear to them.5. - Of date 14/05/2014 shipment to DERCO CENTER PLAZA TOBALABA for the revision of the 10,000 kms., took control to see the problem to them again of the gear box but it was not reviewed.6. - During this month of September, the 05.09.2014 after new and serious problems with the Gear box, shipment of DERCO CENTER SEAT opportunity in which yes the PROBLEM could again review the Head to it of Factory ENCONTRO (that already it had found before) and was requested to me that it took the 22.09.2014 again to it to disassemble box and to review the reach of the problem, under factory guarantee.7. - With date 22/09/2014, the CX5 in DERCO CENTER PLAZA TOBALABA has been entered to disassemble box and to review the reach of the damages.8. - DERCO CENTER informs to me that the Box will be only repaired by Guarantee, because that would be the answer of the mark MAZDA CHILE.9. - I have tried to communicate to me in several occasions with the Management of Clients DERCO Chile through telephone Service “DERCO RESPONDS” to ask for the CHANGE of the GEAR BOX by a NEW one. Not it repair, dice the mechanical problems that could generate the change of new pieces on pieces already used and with some degree of wearing down, which would accelerate other flaws in the Box before the term of the Guarantee. Nevertheless “DERCO NO-RESPONDE”It is very important to mention the following considerations, possible aggravating Derco and extenuating of the Client:a) That when I went to test of handling to make the decision from purchase, the salesman, (with that already had remembered the test of a mechanical CX5) indicates then to me that it does not have it available, because the only mechanics that was in Chile and was in first house and that would only send it if it bought it, thus I had to test of handling in the Automatic CX5 that it had available in Plaza Vespucio, obvious, which did not present/display box problems.b) That after to have made the purchase and find the problem with the gear box , I tried in innumerable occasions to communicate with the salesman, as was impossible, because they indicated to me that it had gone away of vacations and until the day of today it follows absent of the problem.c) That in my restlessness to buy the CX5, and before contacting to me with the salesman of Derco Plaza Vespucio, I called to several concessionaires DERCO, the Night love song, Linares and Rancagua and to the First House of Santiago, in where, in this last one, I managed myself to communicate with a salesman who took my data me to try to find the vehicle. On the following day it called to me and it indicated to me that it was not left any available one, because 2 (two) units were it jeopardize with other salesmen and only 1 (one) Mechanical unit CX5, Black color was available, but it was not possible to be sold because it had a serious damage in the GEAR BOX.d) Now, after 1 () year, with already 15,000 kms. of which more of 90% of them they have been used and consumed in highway and with speed cruise, (going and returns to Linares, by work) thus the problem was lessen, nevertheless, now the CX5 I am using it in city and obvious the problem persists and it is had agravated.e) Recently, I could test and handling to new mechanical CX5 in DERCO PLAZA VESPUCIO and DERCO SEAT the WEST and the gear boxes perfectly worked well and without rare sounds neither forced problems of enlistment nor, completely opposed situation to which it had indicated to the Technical Head on watch of Seat the West to me.Obvious before I could not test these comparative then were mechanical CX5 no available in the concesiorarios Derco in Santiago.The Headquarters of Sales of Derco Plaza Vespucio, at the moment when it took care of to me by this problem, indicated me that they could change the unit to me, give back the money or change the gear box by a new one, I need now, after the passed time, to make be worth its word and the solutions to the height of the problem, especially that have been giving returned in all this history the following doubts:• That the Black CX5 could give to the impression that that was sold my, could be same unit that was with the serious damage in the gear box in the First House, reason for which it would not have been let to me test of handling.• So that in Derco Plaza the West one misestimated the first revision of Derco Tobalaba in where yes had been the problem of the Gear box? On the matter a e.mail of my disagreement with the answer of Seat exists the West and by the loss of personal implementos and in addition benzine.• So that in DERCO CENTER PLAZA TOBALABA already the spare parts must to repair the gear box of the CX5 if not yet it dismounts and a precise notion of the quantity of the damage is not had?• That given the answer of an executive of Derco, with respect to which it does not worry me about the possible acceleration about the wearing downs about other pieces about the gear box , because before it happens (that is to say, before the term of the Guarantee 3 years or 100,000 Kms) I already sell the SUV to another person. It is to say, is urged malintencionadamente to transfer the problem to another person. I ask myself That same one will have happened to me to me? Malintencionadamente they malintencionadamente transferred the problem to me of another or others…?• I refuse to think that so prestigious Marca World-wide Level “MAZDA” can handle of this form a problem that to strange lights seems to exist hand.• So that Service “DERCO RESPONDS” IT DOES NOT RESPOND to the calls nor have called to me either. ¿??I am habitual client and very old of DERCO because I have had several vehicles of its marks and now that I have Mazda vehicles begin the problems.I have all Ordenes de Trabajo (Factory) that they credit every time SUV CX-5 Ingresó to factories by he himself subject, more than 5 times.Jaime Castro SalazarRUT: Country Chile, South America
Autor: J.C.
Publicado el Sábado, Abril 25, 2015 - 14:11. El autor de este contenido se ha identificado privadamente con su nombre, rut y otros datos aportados voluntariamente. Para tomar contacto con el autor considere las alternativas están a disposición. Las opiniones publicadas por los usuarios en el foro no reflejan necesariamente la opinión de los administradores.

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